Cardiovascular Rehabilitation

Cardiovascular rehabilitation allows, as a secondary prevention strategy, recovering a patient after an acute cardiovascular event, as a whole and in a multidisciplinary way. This process reduces disability, allowing early return to work and postponing retirement. It improves the quality and quantity of life and reduces the negative psychological effects and new events, which are more serious due to the repetition and continuation of the disease progression.
In the context of Medicine as a whole, research and clinical practice jointly integrate scientific knowledge and its implementation. 
The University of Lisbon, together with Santa Maria Hospital, has the ideal and necessary conditions for the construction of a large, innovative project, bringing together the clinical and research aspects, allowing the provision of a service to patients and the population in general with important consequences in terms of health promotion and cardiovascular disease prevention.


Mastery of the English language is required to attend this cycle of studies.

3 reasons to choose this program


In the context of Medicine seen as a whole, this Master's program sees research and clinical practice as allies of scientific knowledge and its implementation.


If you are interested in the Sports, Physiology, Cardiovascular Medicine or Nutrition fields.


To have contact with reference institutions, such as ULisboa or Santa Maria Hospital, and take advantage of the best that their infrastructures have to offer.

Educational Plan

This Master's presents a program with a relevant applicability in society, promoting recovery after acute cardiovascular event.


  • Provide fundamental knowledge for the multiple components of cardiovascular rehabilitation programs, in the areas of health sciences, specifically in Medicine, but also in nutrition, psychology, exercise and also in communication sciences and health education.
  • To provide knowledge and stimulate skills for conducting scientific research projects, particularly through the construction of databases, statistical analysis and writing articles. 
  • Develop skills and create competences to participate and implement multidisciplinary programs of prevention and cardiovascular rehabilitation in phases I, II and III (hospital, early outpatient and maintenance).

Skills acquisition

  • Understand the pathophysiology, complications and clinical impact of cardiovascular atherosclerosis; 
  • Understand the physiology and pathology of the musculoskeletal and autonomic nervous systems;
  • Identify cardiovascular risk factors, modify lifestyle and pharmacological therapy, stimate cardiovascular risk;
  • Understand exercise physiology, prescription, training and promotion of physical activity and combat sedentary lifestyle;
  • Interpret standard stress test and cardio-respiratory test;
  • Understand and evaluate nutritional status;
  • Identify negative psychological factors.


Professional Opportunities

  • Potential cardiovascular rehabilitation team coordinator
  • Integration as a member of secondary prevention or cardiovascular rehabilitation team


Research Topics

  • Long-term Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, adherence and risk factor management
  • Nutritional Assessment and Intervention in long-term Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Programs
  • Exercise in cardio-oncology
  • Multidimensional assessment and rehabilitation of the elderly
  • Home-based Cardiovascular Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation
  • Exercise and physical activity programs in heart failure patients with or without cardiac devices

Target Students

Due to the multidisciplinary nature of cardiovascular rehabilitation (CVR), in which several areas of health are involved, all those who have a background in the transversal scientific areas of the study cycle and who are able to follow the scientific content may apply to this study cycle:

  • Graduates or legal equivalent in the scientific area(s) of the study cycle, in the areas of Medicine, Sports Sciences, Nursing, Psychology, Nutrition, Higher Technicians of Diagnosis and Therapy (TSDT) - physiotherapists and cardiopneumologists - and other related areas related to Cardiovascular Rehabilitation; 
  • Holders of the master's degree in Exercise and Health.
  • The attendance of this study cycle requires the command of the English language.


Conditions for Admission

  • Graduates or legal equivalent in the scientific area(s) of Medicine, Sports Science, Nursing, Psychology, Nutrition, Higher Technicians of Diagnosis and Therapy (TST) - physiotherapists and cardiopneumologists - and other related areas related to Cardiovascular Rehabilitation; 
  • Holders of a master's degree in Exercise and Health.
  • Foreign academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a state adhering to this Process in the scientific area(s) of the cycle of studies;
  • Foreign academic degree in the scientific area(s) of the cycle of studies, which is recognized as meeting the objectives of the bachelor's degree by the scientific committee of the course;
  • The attendance of this study cycle requires the command of the English language.


Other Information

To apply please visit:

Candidates who already have a CAMPUS account (who are attending or have attended a course at the Faculdade de Medicina), must start the application at

To access must log in with the Campus account and then access the Candidate menu (at the top of the page) to start the application.

If you don’t remember the username or password of the account click HERE and follow the instructions for the recovery of the username or password.  If you cannot retrieve your username or password trough the recovery mechanism, you should send an email to the address with the following data: full name; student number; course number identification; ID number (BI/CC); External email.

Applicants who do not have access to the Campus account (Fenix) should register HERE.

After creating your account you will receive in your email the username after which can start the formalization of the application in


Coordinating Professor


Logotipo A3ES