Professor Mamede de Carvalho, Diretor do Instituto de Fisiologia, recebe Prémio Forbes Norris
news-63_intenational-alliance-als-mnd news-63_mine-prof-mamededecarvalho A   International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations juntamente com a Forbes Norris MDA/ALS Research & Treatment Center patrocina anualmente o Prémio Forbes Norris. Este Prémio visa distinguir um Neurologista dedicado ao tratamento da Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica numa perspectiva de uma longa carreira de dedicação clínica e também de impacto científico. Este ano, o Galardão foi atribuído ao Professor Mamede de Carvalho que, nos últimos 20 anos, dedicou a sua carreira ao tratamento e à investigação desta doença, tendo publicado mais de 250 artigos.  

27'" Annual International Symposium on ALS/MND 7-9 December 2016 I Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Mamede de Carvalho is a Portuguese physician who has contributed enormously to the care, treatment and management of people with ALS/MND over the last 20 years. He has published more than 250 research papers on ALS/MND during that time. His research has defined appropriate assessment and monitorin parameters for respiratory management, and he has also contributed to nutrition and to general aspects of ALS/MND management. His neurophysiological studies are highly regarded; his neurophysiological findings inform both diagnosis and measurement of change in disease progress and will be critical in moving clinical trials forward in ALS/MND. Dr. de Carvalho's physiological expertise was recently recognised by his appointment to me Chair of Physiology in the University of Lisbon, where he is Director of the Physiology Institute, in addition to his continuing role as a Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist.

In addition to his work in Portugal, Dr. de Carvalho has been instrumental in helping invesrigators in Brazi0l and other South American countries set up care and research programs in ALS/MND. He is the founder and enthusiastic supporter of the Portuguese ALS Association, which provides assistance to people with ALS/MND. He is a fine example to investigators both in rich and developing countries as to what can be accomplished without the necessity for generous funding, but simply through hard work and enthusiasm.

The Forbes Norris Award, first presented in 1994, honors the memory of Dr. Forbes "Ted" Norris (1928-1993), a neurologist dedicated to helping people with ALS/MND. The purpose of this prestigious Award is to encourage advancement in the management and understanding of ALS/MND, to the benefit of people living with the disease worldwide.