Shall we plan a Healthy and Sustainable Christmas?

foto de natal


Between house decorations, gifts and food for the Christmas table, our consumption levels during this festive season increase, and with them, it also increases the impact we have on the environment.


Adding tradition to the worry that there is nothing missing at the table, it is easy to exceed yourself on the shopping trip, cooking more food than would be necessary and serving the guests too much. Food waste and excessive consumption, in particular of animal products, are at the heart of our environmental impact throughout the year and in particular at this time.


Some facts


Did you know that...


All the food we eat have an ecological footprint associated with its life cycle?


The environmental impacts multiply from production to our plate?


Is it estimated that about a fourth of all greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere are the responsibility of the food industry?


Is food consumption the phase of the food chain that contributes the most to the carbon footprint?


Adaptation with translation to Portuguese: Food waste in Europe: statistics and facts about the problem | Eufic


Tomorrow we talk about food waste this time of year.


These advices are given by the FMUL Nutrition Laboratory.