Webinar - The good, bad and ugly of technology in assessment during Covid
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Caros Colegas.

 É com grande prazer que o DEM oferece mais um WEBINAR, coordenado pelo Prof. Richard Fuller, da Universidade de Liverpool. Muitos já conhecem o Prof. Fuller pela sua valiosa intervenção como keynote speaker e coordenação dum workshop no Beyond MED de 2017.

 Na continuação do último Webinar, centrado na melhor forma de tornar o ensino on-line mais atrativo e eficiente, o Prof. Fuller vai abordar o uso da tecnologia na avaliação dos alunos durante o COVID.  O título ‘The good, bad and ugly of technology in assessment during COVID’ e o sumário em baixo deixam antever  o que podemos esperar deste importante Webinar.

 ‘…The COVID pandemic continues to pose major challenges for all levels and stages of education.  How we deliver teaching, support students, develop faculty and adjust clinical experiences have all subject to a continually changing set of circumstances. Assessment of learning and competence has been especially disrupted, and health professions educators have rapidly adapted to this through the use of online testing.

This has brought both opportunity and challenge and this webinar will reflect on the 'Good, Bad and Ugly' of our use of technology in assessment.  It will also question our reliance on our existing assessment tools and Miller's pyramid. Can lessons from wider education and more complex taxonomies provide us with practical ideas for new, authentic approaches to assessment?

Learning outcomes

  • Reflect on the 'transference' of existing assessment tools to online testing formats
  • Rethink the use of technology to innovate assessment
  • Gain confidence in the use of more complex learning taxonomies to explore alternative assessment formats and apply these to practice

Não percam esta oportunidade com implicações práticas na avaliação no ensino à distância.


Profª Madalena Patrício

Para qualquer dúvida, por favor entrar em contato (dem@medicina.ulisboa.pt)

Contamos convosco!

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