The future is already here

senhor a falar

It was during the official inauguration of CEMA - Center for Aerospace Medicina Studies that a news team from SIC channel followed the first steps of a Center that promises to make its eager contribution to Portuguese research into Space and the physiological behavior of those who leave Earth and walk through the sky.

This project, which was widely encouraged by the Faculty's Director, Fausto Pinto, was the initial dream of Edson Oliveira, who with Thaís Russomano took on its coordination.

senhora a falar

senhor a falar


About Portugal in Space. And the Faculty of Medicine as a pioneer in what is the only Portuguese Center.

SIC's report here.

Don't miss the welcome video from various NASA teams and the full live broadcast on our YouTube channel, featuring the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.