3rd edition of the PhD in Sustainability Sciences | Open Applications!


Applications are open until 12nd of June for the 3rd edition of the PhD of the University of Lisbon (2020-2021), which grants the degree in Sustainability Sciences: Resources, Food and Society (REASOn) .

This PhD focuses on the dimension of food production and consumption as a central vector of the challenges facing sustainability, recognizing that understanding food systems and acting on the global food system are fundamental instruments for sustainable development and require research on the interactions between ecology and socio-economics.


To be catalysts for change , 21st century professionals must be endowed with solid scientific knowledge and, above all, be able to incorporate it to understand the interactions between global, natural, social and human systems, and how these interactions affect sustainability challenges .


The PhD was conceived within the scope of Colégio Food, Farming and Forestry (F3), mobilizing a teaching staff that includes 46 professors from 17 of the Faculties and Institutes of the University of Lisbon to guarantee the necessary innovation and interdisciplinarity. It is based on a transformative education model to create impact with a responsive pedagogical method, attentive to new ways of acquiring skills and building knowledge, combining multidisciplinarity with immersive learning processes and work in a "problem situation".


It targets successful professionals and the best students who seek to transform knowledge into results and innovation, with academic training in any area of knowledge. It allows the development of a thesis in a university environment, in a business / industry environment, or - in an innovative typology in relation to the traditional offer of 3rd cycle courses - in a professional work context. This last model offers the possibility of carrying out a thesis applied to a scientific question relevant to the exercise of the doctoral student's daily professional activity, which can be developed with or in the employing organization itself, to explore the double meaning translation between practice and science .


TO LEARN MORE: https://csustentabilidade.ulisboa.pt/


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